Enter your friends details
Enter details of your friends and family who would
be interested in learning a language
Your friend enrolls
Your friend enrolls in a language course
You get the reward
You get a discount of ₹1000 per successful referral on your next enrolment.
Refer Your Friends Now !
*Fill atleast detail of one friend
Frequently Asked Questions
How many friends can I refer to?
There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer.
What is considered to be a successful referral?
A referral is considered to be a successful referral if your friend is enrolling on a Language learning program for the first time and completes a minimum of 7 days of class.
What is the reward for referring a friend?
For every successful referral, you get Rs 1000 discounted on your next enrolment with inlingua Bangalore.
You can avail of a maximum discount of Rs 3000 each time you enrol for a new level or new language. Remaining reward if any can be redeemed on the successive enrolments.
What if a friend is referred to by 2 different friends?
On successful referral, the reward goes to the person who had referred the friend first in our system.
Terms & Conditions
– To refer a friend you must be a registered customer with inlingua Bangalore.
– To qualify for a referral reward the referred friend must not be enrolled previously with inlingua Bangalore.
– You can accumulate your referral rewards but you can only get a maximum discount of Rs 3000 at a time on enrolling for the next program.
– inlingua Bangalore reserves the right to amend or terminate the Program at any time, for any reason.
– inlingua Bangalore reserve the right to disqualify any referrers from participation in the Program at any time at our sole discretion.
© inlingua Bangalore